Sunday, July 26, 2020

Getting bigger!

The chickies have graduated yet again! They are getting so big! They are now bedded on horse pellet bedding. Trying out what a friend has been using. We'll see how that goes. Out of 11, 3 of them have clean legs, the rest have feathering to various degrees ... and one has an extra toe ... The 3 clean-legged ones were remnants of their Easter Egger mamas' previous life with a Barred Plymouth Rock rooster. The 3 all have black & white barring. The rest are Joey's babies. One purebred Brahma (from an Emily egg), the rest are Brahma/Easter Egger.

And, I already don't like the horse pellets. Even with cardboard under their waterer, they get the pellets in there and the pellets soak up all the water ... Back to pine shavings in a couple of days, I think.
This one has an extra toe.
Purebred Brahma

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A New Coop!

I bought a Cumberland chicken coop at Tractor Supply last week.
I finally had the time to put it together today. I really like it. I hope to get another soon. The chickens were very interested in what I was doing! It took about 2.5 hours to put together.
Tomorrow, I'll get it opened up and set-up for the chickens with hay, etc.
I want to seal it, caulk it, as well as add a few screws in certain spots. It will eventually have cinder blocks around the base.
It has 3 nesting boxes inside, which will help me keep track of eggs once they get used to using it. I usually have to hunt for eggs every evening!
The big pen that the chickens are put up in at night will be moved to surround this (and future) coops. That is a project for another day!

Monday, July 20, 2020

The graduates!

The chicks have graduated! They've moved on from puppy pads to pine shavings! Getting big! They are feathering out nicely. I'll be turning off the heating pad tomorrow, during the day. Next week, they'll start getting some outside time.
The cardboard helps keep shavings out of the water. For awhile, at least!

Sunday, July 19, 2020


These babies hatched seven days ago! They are really doing well. There are one purebred Brahma, a few Brahma/Easter Egger crosses, and a few Barred Rock/Easter Egger crosses.
I will be evaluating their progress at the end of the month, then posting those who are for sale at that time. Keep your eyes on the Sales page!